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Islamist groups stage protest against French cartoons

FE REPORT | November 03, 2020 00:00:00

Thousands of activists of Hefajat-e-Islam and other organisations marching towards the French embassy in the city on Monday protesting the display of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in France. The photo was taken in Shantinagar area. — FE photo

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims gathered near Baitul Mukarram National Mosque in Dhaka city on Monday to stage protests against anti-Islamic acts in France including publication of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (SM).

Hefazat-e-Islam, an Islamic group, organised the protest rally.

Later, protesters marched towards the French embassy to lay siege to it at around 1:30 pm, but police stopped them in Malibagh area.

They also staged demonstrations there creating traffic congestion in the area for hours.

Hefazat-e-Islam has demanded that the government boycott French products and sever diplomatic ties with France for publications of caricatures of the Prophet.

As the cartoons of the Prophet were published in France in late October, Muslims across the world also staged protests placing a set of demands, including unconditional apology from France.

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