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Bangladesh, India working tirelessly to combat Covid-19: Doraiswami

The Indian envoy visits Rampal Power Plant

November 03, 2020 00:00:00

KHULNA, Nov 02 (BSS): Indian High Commissioner in Bangladesh Vikram K Doraiswami has visited the under constructed coal based 1320 megawatt Rampal Power Plant (RPP) at Rampal upazila in Bagerhat district.

During the visit to the power plant on Sunday, he said RPP-implementation entity 'Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company Limited (BIFPCL)' is a pattern of friendship between the two friendly neighbouring countries.

"It is not only a commercial project. It is a project of friendly relation. The Bangladesh government is laying highest emphasis on completing the project and the authorities concerned are also working speedily and hard as it is a fast track project," he said.

Doraiswami, however, said the power plant will begin generation by December 2021 and expressed the hope that the entire construction work will end during the Mujib Year.

The Rampal Power Plant authorities are conducting multidimensional activities of its social responsibilities, the high commissioner said, adding both India and Bangladesh Prime Ministers and authorities concerned showed highest consideration for speedy project completion.

Turning to the coronavirus, he said the two neighbouring countries are working tirelessly for combating Covid-19 pandemic.

He also said considering the global pandemic, the Indian government has simplified the visa process and services in different other sectors, including export-import trade.

Head of Chancery of Indian High Commission Midhun Raghavan, its Third Secretary Shibnath Paul, Indian Assistant High Commissioner in Khulna Consulate, Bangladesh Rajesh Kumar Raina, Joint Secretary of Power Division of Bangladesh ATM Mostofa Kamal, Managing Director of BIFPCL engineer Animesh Jain, Bagerhat Deputy Commissioner Mamunur Rashid and Police Super Pankaj Chandra Roy, among others, were present.

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