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CPA recovers its grabbed land

Our Correspondent | November 03, 2020 00:00:00

CHATTOGRAM, Nov 02: The Chattogram Port Authority (CPA) recovered one acre of land from illegal occupiers on Monday.

CPA's Authorised Officer and Executive Magistrate Goutom Barai conducted a mobile court along with law enforcers from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The mobile court evicted a total of 150 illegal establishments from MPB Gate to Navy Gate area and recovered one acres of land after long time.

Sources said, there were illegal shops and establishments on the lands of CPA and the authority conducted mobile court after serving notice earlier.

Executive Magistrate Goutom Barai said we have conducted mobile court as per regular activities. We have evicted a total of 150 illegal establishments from the land of CPA and recovered one acres of valuable lands."

[email protected]

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