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Illegal buildings

Rajuk officials to be under DNCC's radar

November 03, 2020 00:00:00

Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakkha (Rajuk) officials, allowing the construction of illegal buildings, will be under the radar of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) now, reports UNB.

Also, strong steps will be taken against those responsible.

DNCC Mayor Atiqul Islam said this on Monday at the Bangladesh Institute of Planners organised webinar "Thematic Review on Detailed Area Plan (DAP).''

"I saw many buildings on the canals of the city. How did the owners of these structures manage to do so? I will make a strong move against Rajuk officials who are involved in such dealings from behind the scene," the mayor said.

Atiqul also said he would see the CS and RS records of the canals in the city and recover them quickly. "It is time to stand against illegal activities and take action against the illegal occupants."

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