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Webinar focuses on youths’ struggle for livelihood

November 03, 2020 00:00:00

Speakers at a webinar discussed the opportunities and struggles of the country's youth for securing a livelihood in today's tough economy, reports UNB.

They also shared their personal experiences, struggles, and achievements to inspire youth toward definite action.

The webinar was held on Sunday on the occasion of the Bangabandhu National Youth Day in the city.

ManusherJonno Foundation (MJF) and FCDO of the UK Government, Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC) hosted the webinar in light of this year's theme, 'Mujib Year: Youth Employment'.

The objective of the programme was to shed light on the current status of youth leadership in different aspects and give perspective on what the future holds for today's youth. This programme was organised jointly with IED, FIVDB, Bandhu Social Welfare Society, Ghashful, BGS, VAFWSD, JSKS, LEDARS, and ESDO.

Given the significance of the Mujib Year, the "Bangabandhu National Youth Day 2020" was celebrated with grandiose, focusing on creating livelihood and reminding youth of the potential they hold.

How young people are changing the society: stories of 10 youth changemakers were discussed in the programme.

During the programme, Mithun Das Kabbo, the founder of a grassroots NGO called AlokitoShishu, is currently running two schools in Bede and Sweeper community providing formal education to children of underprivileged communities.

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