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Put special focus on SMEs

Business leaders say big industries highly dependent on SMEs for supply chain

FE REPORT | October 01, 2019 00:00:00

Business leaders have demanded special focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through formulating special act, action plan and establishing special division, bank and apex body.

They said this is important for inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country as SMEs could not play their due role under the existing setups.

This to create real climate for SMEs by removing all drawbacks persisting in the sector, the leaders of Japan Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JBCCI) said while sharing a study report at Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) office in the capital on Sunday.

Kabir Ahmed, JBCCI director, shared the recommendations of the report where, among others, Honorary Executive Director Dr AKM Moazzem Hussain, fomer president Salahuddin Kasem Khan, members Dr Muhammad Abdul Mazid, Jalalul Hai, ABM Shamsul Alam, Mikhail I Islam, Mizanur Rahman and Tareq Rafi Bhuiyan were present.

They handed over the report to JETRO Country Representative Yuji Ando as Japan is considering to invest in SMEs in its special economic zones in Bangladesh.

The JBCCI prepared the report with support of the International Cooperation Organisation for SMEs in Asia (ICOSA) to place recommendations to the authorities for formulating proper policy framework and strategy in support of development of SMEs to big industrial growth.

"We need strategic thinking on SMEs now as it is supportive to big industries," said Salahuddin Kasem Khan, who is also the advisor of the SME support committee of JBCCI.

He said big industries in successful countries including Japan are highly dependent on the SMEs as those are engaged in supply chain.

Kabir Ahmed said the demand for special division under the industries ministry as well as SME bank has been raised to provide dedicated service to the sector.

"It is not possible to develop SMEs with half-hearted focus, big industrial revolution is dependent on acceleration of SMEs," he said that many countries have developed SMEs following rules of business of the governments.

According to the statistics of the Planning Commission, SMEs account for 45 per cent manufacturing value addition, 80 per cent of industrial employments, 90 per cent of total industrial units, and about 25 per cent of the labour forces. SME's contribution to export earnings ranges from 75 per cent to 80 per cent.

The leaders called for formulating SME act, action plan, engagement of local government in implementing SME support policy to take the benefits of the SMEs.

Other recommendations JBCCI places in the report include proper training and technological support to improve quality of their products, a dedicated laboratory to certify the quality of SME products, public testing and research centres in different SME clusters to provide consultation services to SMEs for their technological improvements.

Besides, the leaders recommend for establishment of show rooms, or permanent display centres at important locations, having a 'SME window/committee/chapter' to deal with SME issues in all apex and divisional chambers including formation of a 'separate chamber' for SMEs.

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