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Search date: 29-08-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Sinking cities: Over-extraction of ground water

Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo announced his plan on August 26, 2019 to relocate the country's capital city from Jakarta, home to more than 10 million residents, to a new location in East Kalimantan. Indonesian parliament has to pass a law to confirm the President's plan and to give legal basis...

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Facing up to the new climate reality

The past five years have been the hottest on record in Asia and the Pacific. Unprecedented heatwaves have swept across our region, cascading into slow onset disasters such as drought. Yet heat is only part of the picture. Tropical cyclones have struck new, unprepared parts of our region and devastatingly...

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Ratcheting up trade war will not solve America's woes

The US-China trade war has flared up in less than two weeks of President Trump's announcement to delay a set of new tariffs worth US$160 billion on Chinese imports until December, purportedly to avoid harming the holiday shopping season. On August 23 China announced retaliatory measures to hit $US75 billion...

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