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Search date: 29-08-2019 Return to current date: Click here

40 migrants feared drowned in boat capsize off Libya

CAIRO, Aug 28 (AP): A boat carrying dozens of migrants bound for Europe capsized Tuesday in the Mediterranean Sea off Libya, with at least 40 people missing and presumed drowned, U.N. officials said, as a support group reported it had gotten a call from someone on the vessel "crying and...

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23 die in Mexico bar attack

MEXICO CITY, Aug 28 (AP): An attack on a bar in Mexico's Gulf coast city of Coatzacoalcos killed 23 people and injured 13 late on Tuesday. The attackers started a fire that ripped through the bar, killing eight women and 15 men. There was no immediate information on the condition...

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Respiratory ailments rise in Brazil as Amazon fires rage

PORTO VELHO, Aug 28 (AP): Lingering smoke in the Amazon caused concern on Tuesday among Brazilians who say that respiratory problems - particularly among children and the elderly - have increased as fires in the region rage. "The kids are affected the most. They're coughing a lot," said Elane Diaz,...

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Papua clash leaves six protesters dead

JAKARTA, Aug 28 (AFP): Indonesian authorities shot dead six protesters in its unrest-wracked Papua region on Wednesday, according to an eyewitness, while authorities said a soldier was killed in the clash.Local priest Santon Tekege said the chaos erupted after several thousand people rallied in the remote district of Deiyai -...

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Afghan Taliban close to accord with US

KABUL, Aug 28 (Reuters): The Taliban said on Wednesday they were close to an agreement with US officials on a deal that would see US forces withdraw from Afghanistan in exchange for a Taliban promise the country would not become a haven for international militants.Negotiations over how to end the...

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US judge blocks restrictive Missouri abortion law

WASHINGTON, Aug 28 (AFP): A Missouri court on Tuesday temporarily suspended a restrictive abortion law that was set to come into effect the following day in the conservative central US state.Kansas City Judge Howard Sachs said the law, which bans abortions after the eighth week of pregnancy, violates the Supreme...

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Three cops die in Gaza explosions

GAZA STRIP, Aug 28 (AP): Two explosions ripped through police checkpoints in Gaza City late on Tuesday, killing three policemen and wounding two passerby, Hamas officials said. Hamas' interior ministry said two deaths occurred after the first explosion. Scarcely an hour later, a second blast occurred across town on a...

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News in Brief -(29-08-2019)

Sudan's PM gets candidates' list for cabinetKHARTOUM, Aug 28: Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on Tuesday received the lists of candidates for the transitional cabinet. "I received the lists of nominations of ministers presented by the Freedom and Change Alliance at 3:00 p.m. local time (0100GMT) on Tuesday," said Hamdok...

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