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News in Brief -(29-08-2019)

August 29, 2019 00:00:00

Sudan's PM gets candidates' list for cabinet

KHARTOUM, Aug 28: Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on Tuesday received the lists of candidates for the transitional cabinet. "I received the lists of nominations of ministers presented by the Freedom and Change Alliance at 3:00 p.m. local time (0100GMT) on Tuesday," said Hamdok in a press release. The lists included 49 candidates for 14 ministries and 16 candidates for 5 specialized ministerial councils, he added. — Xinhua

Najib's biggest 1MDB trial begins

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 28: Malaysia's ex-prime minister Najib Razak played a pivotal role in plundering the state's 1MDB fund and channelled hundreds of millions of dollars into his own bank account, a prosecutor said Wednesday at the opening of his most significant graft trial. Claims that Najib and his cronies pilfered massive sums from the fund and spent it on everything from real estate to artwork contributed to the defeat of his long-ruling coalition to a reformist alliance. After losing power last year, the former prime minister was arrested and hit with dozens of charges related to 1MDB. He is expected to face several trials. — AFP

Two perish as Japan experiences heavy rains

TOKYO, Aug 28: Two people were confirmed dead on Wednesday as heavy rains pounded southwest Japan, prompting flood and landslide warnings and orders for 870,000 people to seek safety. More than a million more people were advised to leave their homes after the country's weather agency raised the alert to its highest level for parts of northern Kyushu.The emergency warning is issued "if there is a significant likelihood of catastrophes". — AFP

Hezbollah group rules out wider war with Israel

BEIRUT, Aug 28: The Lebanese militant Hezbollah group is ruling out a wider war with Israel but says it will carry out a surprise attack in retaliation for an alleged Israeli drone assault south of Beirut over the weekend. Naim Kassem told Russia Today in an interview that aired late on Tuesday that Hezbollah will not be "intimidated by threats of war in order not to retaliate. There was an aggression and we said we will retaliate and this is what will happen." —AP

Yemen govt reclaims key city from separatists

SANAA, Aug 28: Yemeni officials and local residents say forces loyal to the country's internationally recognized government have wrested control of the capital of southern Abyan province from separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates. They say government forces on Wednesday pushed the UAE-backed militia, known as the Security Belt, out of Zinjibar after clasher that left at least one dead and 30 wounded fighters. They say the militia fled to nearby Aden province. — AP

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