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Negotiators from 200 nations begin climate talks in Poland

KATOWICE, Dec 02 (AP): Negotiators from around the world began two weeks of talks on curbing climate change on Sunday, three years after sealing a landmark deal in Paris that set a goal of keeping global warming well below two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).Envoys from almost 200 nations gathered...

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Mexico's new president signs pact on migrants

MEXICO CITY, Dec 02 (AP): In one of his first acts in office, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has signed an agreement with his counterparts from three Central American countries to establish a development plan to stem the flow of migrants seeking asylum in the US.The Foreign Ministry said...

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Putin briefs Trump over Ukraine crisis

BUENOS AIRES, Dec 02 (AFP): Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday he briefed his US counterpart Donald Trump on the Ukraine crisis as he came under pressure over Moscow's robust foreign policy at the G20 summit in Argentina.Putin said he explained Moscow's position to Trump when the leaders met...

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Macron mulls state of emergency to tackle unrest

PARIS, Dec 02 (BBC): French President Emmanuel Macron will lead an urgent security meeting on Sunday, following a day of riots by hundreds of anti-government protesters in Paris.A government spokesperson said a state of emergency could be imposed to tackle the unrest.Protests over fuel tax have grown into general anger...

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Police to sue Netanyahu for graft

JERUSALEM, Dec 02 (Reuters): Israeli police said on Sunday they had found enough evidence for bribery and fraud charges to be brought against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife in a third corruption case against the Israeli leader.Authorities allege Netanyahu awarded regulatory favours to Israel's leading telecommunications company, Bezeq...

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Labour threatens no confidence vote against May

LONDON, Dec 02 (BBC): Labour has said it will "inevitably" call a motion of no confidence in the government if Theresa May loses a Commons vote on her Brexit deal.Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer told Sky News his party would seek to force a general election.Environment Secretary Michael Gove...

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News in Brief (3-12-2018)

Thousands protest in Dublin over housing problemDUBLIN, Dec 02: Thousands of people took to the streets in the Irish capital Dublin on Saturday afternoon to protest over the deteriorating housing issue in the country. Holing banners and placards and chanting slogans, the protestors marched through the city's busiest road O'Connell...

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