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Search date: 07-05-2019 Return to current date: Click here

US sends aircraft carrier to Middle East to 'warn Iran'

NEW YORK, May 06 (BBC): The US has deployed an aircraft carrier to the Middle East to send a "clear and unmistakable message" to Iran.John Bolton, US national security advisor, said they were acting "in response to a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings".The deployment of the warship...

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Niger tanker truck blast kills 55

NIAMEY, May 06 (AFP): Fifty-five people died in Niger's capital Niamey overnight when an overturned tanker truck exploded as crowds tried to collect spilt fuel, authorities and witnesses said on Monday.The blast on the RN1 route near Niamey's international airport left the burnt truck's wreckage, motorbikes and debris scattered over...

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Ardern speaks publicly about her engagement

WELLINGTON, May 06 (AP): New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Monday joked that her partner's marriage proposal was an intimate moment with just the two of them, a police protection officer, a couple of locals and a dog that tried to eat chocolate her partner had brought with him.Ardern...

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Air raids hit three hospitals in Syria's Idlib

HASS, May 06 (AFP): Air strikes by Syrian regime ally Russia on Sunday forced the closure of two hospitals and also damaged a third one in the jihadist-held Syrian province of Idlib, a war monitor said.It came as eight civilians were killed in bombardment by the regime and Russia across...

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Brunei will not enforce death penalty for gay sex

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, May 06 (BBC): Brunei has backtracked on enforcing laws introduced last month that would have made sex between men and adultery punishable by stoning to death.Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah on Sunday extended a moratorium on the death penalty to cover the new legislation.The rethink follows global outcry over...

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Israel reaches truce with Hamas

JERUSALEM, May 06 (AP): The Israeli military lifted protective restrictions on residents in southern Israel on Monday, while Gaza's ruling Hamas militant group reported a cease-fire deal had been reached to end the deadliest fighting between the two sides since a 2014 war.The escalation had killed 23 on the Gaza...

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News in Brief -(07-05-2019)

Hafter asks troops to press fight to take TripoliCAIRO, May 06: A Libyan army commander whose forces are advancing on Tripoli is rallying his fighters on, despite UN calls for a weeklong cease-fire. Commander Khalifa Hafter urged his troops late on Sunday "to teach the enemy a greater and bigger...

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