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Search date: 07-05-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Disciplining Dhaka's motorbikes

The devil-may-care manner in which motorbikes have lately started speeding along the Dhaka streets can be termed simply dreadful, if not menacing. Their dominance over the capital's critical roundabouts is conspicuous quite distressingly. In the minds of law abiding road users, including vehicle operators and road-crossing pedestrians, they have long...

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Joblessness: A socio-economic disincentive for the nation

Unemployment is one of the most miserable states an able-bodied youth passes through in his life. The insidious attacks of void and the sufferings increase manifold in the educated young people, especially those who have completed their higher studies. A recent study carried out by the Bangladesh Institute of Development...

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SME sector can ease unemployment problem

Amid the growing unemployment problem in Bangladesh, the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector can be an effective tool to solve the problem provided it gets necessary support to flourish. There is no alternative now to creating skilled manpower through technology-based education and putting emphasis on the SME sector. A...

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No chlorine in water from some WASA pumps

A Bangla daily has reported that at least 400 out of 906 pumps of Dhaka WASA (Water Supply and Sewerage Authority) are not using chlorine before supplying the water to consumers. This is an alarming situation.Chlorine is used to kill germs and bacteria in water. The water of these deep...

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Women-friendly buses required

Dhaka is a mega city of 18 million people. Everyday commuters face many hassles. Women commuters have to bear more hardship when they commute. The number of special buses for women in Dhaka is inadequate. During the peak hours, it is difficult even for the males to move from one...

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Recruiting agencies should be held accountable

A recent research has revealed that middlemen and recruiting agencies in the human resources sector are engaged in corruption and deception. The research has suggested that all recruiting agencies and middlemen be brought under a legal framework. Remittances from migrant Bangladeshi workers, who are staying and working abroad, are one...

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Diet during Ramadan

During Ramadan, shunning bad habits and maintaining good ones related to food and diet is likely to help most people who will be fasting. A proper diet is very important for the human health. We have to make sure that our body gets all the necessary nutrition when we are...

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