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Find and bring culprits to justice: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said on Friday that the BNP-Jamaat and Shibir carried out the nationwide mayhem to undermine the country's development alongside tarnishing its image abroad, calling upon the countrymen to help arrest the culprits and bring them to justice, reports BSS."Those who are involved in such incidents must...

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Financial account surplus tapering off for less intake

Bangladesh's financial-account surplus was tapering off while the deficit in current account widening until the last part of the just-past fiscal year, indicating some macroeconomic imbalances. The stresses on the two accounts related to external incomings and outgoings during 11 months of the fiscal year 2023-24 impacted the country's balance-of-...

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Striking FTA with Latin American bloc seems on backburner

Striking a much-needed free-trade agreement (FTA) with a potential Latin American bloc encoded Mercosur apparently lacks pace and the chance of a top-level push is missed. Sources say there had been a perceived lukewarm response from the Southern Common Market towards signing the trade deal. Although the government has since...

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Disclose details about crackdown on protests

UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk has called on the Bangladesh government urgently to disclose full details about last week's crackdown on student protests amid the growing accounts of horrific violence, and to ensure all law enforcement operations abide by international human rights norms and standards."Latest reports indicate that more...

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Repression, deaths highlight severe govt deficiencies: TIB

The recent repression of the students' quota reformation movement for government jobs, coupled with unprecedented deaths and destruction, highlights severe governance deficiencies, according to Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), reports UNB.In a press release on Friday TIB emphasised that peaceful dissent and demonstrations are constitutional rights, not crimes.The anti-corruption watchdog urged...

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UN chief calls for global action on extreme heat

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has released a "Call to Action" on extreme heat in response to the deadly impacts of rising temperatures all over the world, reports UNB. The call to action outlines the global need to care for the vulnerable, protect workers, boost resilience using...

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Street vendors stand idle on Bangabandhu Avenue

Street vendors stand idle on Bangabandhu Avenue in Dhaka on Friday afternoon, as sales plummet in the wake of anti-quota protests that sparked widespread violence and a curfew. — FE Photo by Shafiqul Alam

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Delhi appreciates Dhaka's cooperation

India has deeply appreciated "excellent cooperation" received from the government of Bangladesh, noting that over 6700 Indian students returned home safely, reports UNB."So far, we have had over 6700 Indian students who have come back from Bangladesh. We have received excellent cooperation from the Bangladeshi Government," Spokesperson at the Indian...

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