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Aviva Finance gets new AMD

October 04, 2023 00:00:00

M. Mostafiduzzaman

Aviva Finance, one of the leading non-bank financial institutions, has appointed M. Mostafiduzzaman as its new Additional Managing Director (AMD) recently.

With a proven track record of driving growth and innovation in both banking and NBFI sectors, Mostafiduzzaman brings a wealth of experience and expertise that will undoubtedly propel Aviva Finance to new heights, says a press release.

M. Mostafiduzzaman is a visionary leader with over 24 years of executive leadership experience.

Having served as the DMD at Uttara Finance and Investments Limited, M. Mostafiduzzaman successfully led a number of dynamic teams in Meghna Bank, EBL, Delta Brac Housing & Finance Limited, SCB, HSBC and ANZ Greenlays Bank.

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