Khuda Buksh: The Pioneer of Life Insurance in Bangladesh is a well-written and interesting book about a fascinating individual. Clearly Mr. Khuda Buksh was one of the outstanding life insurance men of his generation in Asia and his story can match that of anyone who was instrumental in growing the business in any country.
Like pioneering agents in other countries, both developed and developing, Khuda Buksh understood that selling life insurance is a wonderful profession. It helps families and businesses remain on solid footing when disaster strikes, providing shelter and food for widows (and widowers) and orphans and continuity for businesses.
Clearly Khuda Buksh was both a natural-born salesman and a natural-born motivator. Not only did he develop a large clientele, providing the benefits of life insurance to them, he also brought many successful salesmen into the business, thus extending his influence to many families and businesses with whom he did not deal directly.
Khuda Buksh understood that life insurance sales depend on gaining the trust of the client and educating the client about the benefits of the product. It was this understanding, along with his natural charm, that helped him to achieve such great success. He also incorporated these components into his training of other agents, giving them the ability and confidence to succeed. In addition, apparently he carried these concepts into his management of workers in his company, treating them with fairness and dignity and earning their support and trust. These are essential ingredients for success in management, which involves getting things done through others.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading inspirational biographies. It reminds us that success and happiness can come to anyone who has admirable traits, works hard, and helps others.
William H. Rabel, Ph.D, FLMI, CLU is John and Mary Louise Loftis Bickley Endowed Teaching Professor of Insurance & Financial Services, Culverhouse College of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Alabama, USA.
Khuda Buksh:
The Pioneer of Life Insurance in Bangladesh
By Muhammad Obaidur Rahim
Hardcover: 278 pages
Publisher: The University Press Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh
1st edition (2011)
Language: English
ISBN- 978-9845060271