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Dealing with members of 'aggyan' and 'malam' gangs

2007-09-30 00:00:00

WITH the holy Eid-ul-fitr, one of the most important religious festivals of Muslims, nearing, the Dhaka city is buzzing with business activities as usual. Eid-shoppers are crowding the streets and marketplaces much to the delight of the traders. But this...

Reforms add new dimension to Chittagong Port

2007-09-30 00:00:00

Shahiduzzaman KhanSome positive developments are taking place at the country's premier seaport. Once known as perennially dangerous, many ocean-going vessels are now favouring the port for calling at. Vibrancy in multiple activities has added new dimension to the port.The Chittagong...

Streamlining operations of manpower recruiting agents

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Ripan Kumar Biswas from New YorkI met him at Seoul, South Korea. He is Ehsan, a 27-year old Bangladeshi young man. His face was burnt as because he used to work with acid in a mobile phone's key pad-making factory...

World Tourism Day: How the door opens for women

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Shaker Hussain WORLD Tourism Day 2007 was observed Thursday (September 27) with the theme -- "Tourism opens doors for Women" -- to celebrate women's achievement in the tourism sector and encourage continuous action in support of the United Nations' Millennium...

AIDS mushrooms through gender-based violence and discrimination

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Anirudha AlamTHE conventional gender roles that underpin sexual inequality and violence are entrenched by dyed-in-the-wool social norms. So women are always in the vicious circle of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. It is an essential fact that gender-based violence is a key...

How a state of mind abets market instability

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Richard Taffler and David Tuckett WHAT caused the credit bubble? The current debate lacks analysis of the role emotions play in financial activity. The new discipline of emotional finance aims to show how emotion drives investors' behaviour. It draws on...

Operationalising 'Aid for Trade' initiative

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Ensuring equitable benefits from an inclusive process of globalisation is a pressing priority in order to enable the less developed economies reap the best dividends out of trade liberalisation. In this context, the need for restructuring the aid policy of...

Deadly blood transfusions

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Rafiqul IslamTRANSFUSION of unscreened blood obtained from so-called blood banks poses a grave threat to public health. Lately, it has been reported in the media that professional blood sellers are freely able to sell their blood in the old part...

The prospects of renewable energy

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Mahmudul HasanA report in this paper sometime ago stated that the World Bank is likely to provide US$ 90 million to Bangladesh as funds for a project designed to bring remote areas of the country under electrification. Indeed, such renewable...

A foreign remittance approach to development

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Md Bayazid SarkerJUST after World War-II, the World Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) was born in the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. Since then, World Bank has been working as a development partner of developing countries...

Combating air pollution in the city

2007-09-29 00:00:00

REPORTEDLY, air pollution in Dhaka city still afflicts on average 150,000 people every year. The figures point to the acute necessity of further introducing and enforcing existing rules and regulations against air pollution for reducing the number who get exposed...

Jute sector needs a focused strategy for survival

2007-09-29 00:00:00

CLEAR policy decisions are needed about the jute sector. There is a debate going on over the operational viability of the country's jute industry. The fact that the jute mills in the public sector have been responsible for a colossal...

Trading ritual and reality

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Alan BeattieIt has become a familiar sight. Two beaming trade ministers side-by-side at a table sign a weighty dossier of papers in the glare of television lights. Banalities are exchanged about the bonds of commerce and friendship that link whichever...

Regulatory harmony is in the air

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Jeremy GrantWhen Britain's Queen Elizabeth visited the US state of Virginia this year, she marked the quadricentennial of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America. The visit rekindled an old connection between the City of London and the US,...

Bottled water and the madness of crowds

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Michael SkapinkerThe walk from the FT to the Savoy Grill was longer than I remembered. It was a warm London day and I was running late. Arriving, I discovered to my relief that my lunch companion was running even later....

Comics who laugh all the way to the bank

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Luke Johnson I always say to foreigners that if they want to understand the British they need to realise the importance we place on a good sense of humour. But enjoying a laugh is not just about having fun: it...

The best US weapon against Iran is diplomacy

2007-09-29 00:00:00

John Burroughs On Friday at the United Nations, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to discuss strategy regarding Iran's nuclear program with her counterparts from Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. What is needed is not another UN Security Council...

Credibility of Malaysian judiciary on life support

2007-09-29 00:00:00

On May 27, 1988, then-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, his party faced with a legal challenge from rivals that threatened his leadership, summoned Malaysia's top judge, Salleh Abas, and gave him an ultimatum: resign or face a judicial tribunal. That secret...

Rahul Gandhi must spell out vision for India

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Andy MukherjeeRahul Gandhi's admission this week into the inner circles of India's ruling Congress Party puts the 37-year-old within striking distance of becoming prime minister, as his father, grandmother and great-grandfather were before him. The significance of Gandhi's appointment as...

Asia's challenge to China

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Daniel TwiningAmerican economic weakness, Europe's uncertain political and demographic future, turmoil in the Middle East and challengers to western leadership from Moscow to Tehran may signal a new moment in world politics. It is characterised by the decline of free...

Myanmar unrest turns bloodier

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Syed Fattahul AlimThe second day of face-offs between the Myanmar government's security forces and the civilian protestors including Buddhist monks, who are highly revered in that country, has been marked by the death of some nine people on Thursday. The...

Environment-friendly block bricks: Offering the right choice

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Sagar Shabnam Salima, daughter of textile labourer Aminuddin of Kashimpur, has long been suffering from respiratory problems. She was treated by a local doctor, but it did not help her. The doctor, who treated Salima, told her father that dust...

Record coal prices hammer power generators

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Jackie CowhigRecord high coal prices and tight supply are piling the pressure on electricity generators already hit by soaring oil markets and high gas prices, industry players say.Coal fuels about 40 pct of global power generation. Physical coal prices for...

Setting up the National Constitutional Council

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Enayet RasulThe Adviser for Law and Information, Barrister Mainul Hosein, unveiled a plan last week that deserves the support of all well intentioned people in the country. He informed the press that a draft ordinance was being prepared to set...

A holistic approach to disaster management in Bangladesh

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Raihan M ChowdhuryIn a chilling reminder, Ismat Ali, a 60-year old poor man recalls his nightmarish experience last year when river erosion and flood plagued his livelihood. "I was, however, safe to a large extent from the disaster this time...

Diabetes drugs increase risk of heart failure but not death

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Elizabeth CooneyCertain diabetes drugs should be used with caution in people who have heart disease or a history of heart failure, researchers from the Lahey Clinic report after analyzing previous studies, a finding they hope will clarify the debate on...

Who are responsible for Making children accused?

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Shanta SultanaAt 7 Ankhi has learned the worst of police. The sight of policemen makes her nervous. "I still get scared when I see policemen. It seems to me that they will arrest me," says the little girl from Pallabi...

Piracy poised to destroy home entertainment industry

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Pirated CD's and DVD's are destroying the home entertainment industry in Bangladesh with dozens of production companies against the wall in what is already a highly competitive business, reports bdnews24.com. Industry insiders say that within three to five hours of...

Seven persons killed in separate incidents

2007-09-29 00:00:00

Seven persons were killed and many others injured in separate incidents in different places of the country during the last two days, report agencies.In Sirajganj, four people were killed and 10 others injured in two separate road accidents at Salanga...

Shrimps worth Tk several crore washed away following collapse of embankment

2007-09-29 00:00:00

SATKHIRA, Sept 28 (UNB): Shrimps worth several crore takas were washed away when an embankment of Power Development Board (PDB) along the river Kapotakkhya collapsed at Nakna point in Ashashuni Upazila early Friday.Sources said around 100 feet area of the...